Thursday, February 20, 2025




Through participating in this exercise you will be moving energy with your breath as you visualize each chakra location, shape, size, and color.  Visualizing your chakras while listening to this exercise adds energy to your nerve pathways that carry out the action.  Visualization and breath combined is a powerful tool for clearing your energy fields so that a constant flow of energy balance is maintained.


 Let’s begin by closing your eyes and making yourself comfortable.... either laying down or sitting with both feet flat on the floor.... turn your attention to your breath....    breathe by allowing your diaphragm to drop and your abdomen to expand.... not by trying to expand your chest.  

As you continue this “belly breathing”.... let your attention follow the air in and out.   As your breathing becomes deep and regular.... visualize your physical chakra at the base of your tailbone....   breathe down into it.... and let the breath expand ....  like blowing on the embers of a fire.  

See it’s red color grow brighter and brighter.... whatever pace it grows is okay.... it may get big in a hurry.... or it may stay relatively small....  do not try to force it. 

As your breath activates this physical chakra.... begin to feel it resonate throughout your body and physical energy....  let any physical tensions flow out with the out-going breath.  Feel your shoulders and other chronic tension areas relax.... let your physical body speak to you.... acknowledge each of these voices.... and then let them go.  Breathe them out.

As the physical chakra feels fully activated and each of its voices have been heard and allowed to release.... let your breath draw the energy up to the second chakra.... the emotional chakra....  see it as a ball of energy located just below your navel.

Breathe into this point of light which is an orange color and the center of your emotional body.... let its orange color get brighter and brighter.... and let any emotional voices that need to speak.... be heard.  Do not try to fix them.... acknowledge them and let them go.  See them float up and out with your breath....  assure any loud voices that you will return to them later.... let them float up so your emotional space can be clear.  As this chakra feels fully activated and its voices have been heard and allowed to release.... let your breath draw you up to your third chakra,  the Mental.


See your mental chakra as a growing point of yellow energy in your solar plexus....  just below your wishbone.  As you visualize this yellow color feel the energy field of the surrounding mental body begin to quiet down.... let each of the stray thoughts that come up flow across your internal screen.... and off the other side.  Acknowledge them.... without letting them draw you into a conversation. 

Breathe them up and out.... clearing the space.

When each of the three lower bodies have been cleared and acivated.... turn your attention to your heart chakra which is your spiritual body.  Visualize this chakra as a green spark of energy....  breathe into it....  see your breath connect it to the lower three chakras...  as if pearls on a string. 

As your spiritual body is cleared and activated like the lower three.... with each of its voices being acknowledged and released.... let your breath strengthen the ribbon of energy that connects them all.... feel it grow into a pole of light that runs all the way through the center of your body.... let any cares or sorrows that may be weighing heavy on your heart be whisked up and out by this rushing river of energy.

Complete this process by extending this shaft of energy up through your neck and out through the top of your head....  clearing and activating the three upper chakras along the way.... 

the blue throat chakra in your neck....

the indigo colored psychic chakra or 

“third eye” in your forehead....

and the violet colored crown chakra 

at the top of your head.

Once again.... see how they are all connected like pearls on a string.... by the stream of energy that now runs all the way through you. 

Feel how this beam of light connects you through your feet to the Earth.... and through the crown of your head to that which is.... greater (God, Higher Self, or whatever you are comfortable with). 

Your energy field is now clean and flowing, “embrace this experience” by visualizing an egg-shaped envelope of pure white light.... that surrounds you and prevents outside energies from flowing.... into the internal spaces you have created.

Take a few more cleansing breaths to finish your meditation.... then open your eyes.... feeling completely relaxed and tension free.... yet pleasantly energized.

Resource:  Woods, Jackie and Russell Woods. Spiritual Energy Cycles.  Adawhei Press, 1998

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Breathing With the Elements of the Heart

 Conscious connected breathing is communication with the Source of life and a deep Peace within.  With purposeful breathing, the physical body feels lighter, liberated, and clarity is instilled within the thought process.  We become more coherent and find ourselves in a more Joyous and fulfilled state of Being.

The following information and ways of breathing allow you to discern and choose what you may require at any given moment to bring balance into any of the four levels of existence that you may find yourselves in.