Sit comfortably… adjust your posture… and relax your shoulders.
Close your eyes…. breathe in…. and out with a big
Now take 3 deep breaths.
Bring your awareness to your first chakra. It is positioned directly under you with the larger end of the spinning cone open to the earth and the tip pointing into the bottom of your spine.
Visualize it as a vortex of red light spinning clockwise. Clockwise is defined by looking at the chakra from the outside of your body.
Watch it spinning as you … breathe in red… and breathe out red… visualize the breath as red on the in-breath. Do not visualize on the out-breath… just watch what color it is.
Repeat this process until you can clearly see red; both on the in-breath and on the out-breath. If the color red is either lighter or muddy on the out-breath, it means you need to balance your red energies. If it is light, you need more red in your field. If it is muddy, you need to clean your lower chakra. Do this by repeating the exercise until the ingoing and outgoing colors are the same. This is true for all the chakras.
Maintaining your picture of the first chakra, move to the second chakra located about two inches above your pubic bone.