Saturday, August 31, 2024

Exercises for Breathing Consciously

As I become more aware of my own Awakening and Transformational process I am realizing the greater importance of breath. It is non-detectable by sight, sound, or feeling on its own.... yet it is the very essence of Life as it regulates our heartbeat. I have found that conscious deep breathing is a natural way to increase my energy level and receive a greater sense of enjoyment in life.

Deep breathing exercises accelerate the intake of oxygen. Oxygen is one of the most important chemicals in the body that acts as a stimulant, and its function is that of purification.

Deep breathing recharges hemoglobin, the red element in blood, which is an iron molecule that is magnetic and reacts to vibration. This then produces the oxygen carrying component of blood. Iron is a positive ion and oxygen is a negative ion. Negative ions are attracted to hemoglobin and deep breathing recharges hemoglobin.

The slower and deeper one breathes, the longer the life span. Rhythmic deep breathing is Nature’s tranquilizer and can be used to reduce stress and release pain.

Conscious connected breathing is a way to communicate with the source of life and brings a deep peace within ourselves. With proper breathing the physical body feels lighter and freer, and we become clearer in our thinking. We will experience a more joyous outlook, and emotionally we will be calmer and more serene in dealing with the situations that arise in our daily lives.

During tense or anxious times, pause for a moment and become aware of your breathing. Breathe slowly and deeply. With each breath comes an increase in peace. The key is to become mindful of the breathing process. The easiest way to focus in the present is to spend time consciously breathing deep into your lungs. Continue this practice until you do not have to think about the process, then it will become automatic. Conscious connected breathing allows us to live in the NOW.

Breathing Exercises for Connection ~ Health ~ Stamina

Exercise One: Connecting with Your Divine Breath

  • Stand erect, feet together and arms relaxed at sides.
  • Empty your lungs of air.
  • Begin to inhale, tense the arms and slowly inhale to the count of five, raising the arms slowly over the head. As you inhale, push the diaphragm out.
  • Hold the breath for five seconds while visualizing a column of white light flowing into you through the top of your head.
  • Then slowly exhale to the count of five as you lower your arms to the sides. Rest for the count of five.
  • Repeat the movement seven times. (May also be done sitting if necessary)

Exercise Two: This movement is a decree of youth.

  • Stand with arms at sides. Visualize yourself doing something you have not done for a while; running up a hill.... dashing into the ocean or jumping for joy. Feel the freedom.
  • Take a slow deep breath to the count of four.
  • Raise arms forward slowly over the head and back as far as you can.... moving the head back so that your face is looking upward.
  • Still holding the breath.... bend forward from the waist and stretch the hands as low as you can.
  • Rise back up.... reaching the hands way back over the head.
  • Exhale slowly.... bring the arms down to the starting position.
  • Repeat three times.
  • It is best if they are done at least twice a day.

Exercise Three: Breath of Fire

  • This exercise is done while sitting in a chair or on the floor.
  • Take a deep breath in through the nose and exhale quickly and forcefully out through the mouth. (Inhalation through the nose will happen naturally after each exhalation) Placement of hands is optional.
  • Perform for one full minute followed by one minute of rest and then another minute of the breathing exercise for a total of five minutes.
  • This technique helps in the metabolism of fat and is the equivalent to running two miles.
  • Avoid cold drinks afterwards.

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