Friday, September 27, 2024

Receiving Energy and Information Through our Chakra System

We receive outside information and energy through our body’s inherent chakra system.  Each chakra interprets energy somewhat differently and most of the time we are more developed in certain chakras than others, therefore we each receive and interpret information in our own unique way in the form of images, words, feelings, an impressions.  The following list will give an overview of each chakra’s purpose and the type of energy and information that can be received through it; as well as the abilities that can be developed through each chakra.

7th Chakra (Crown):     (Direct Knowing)
Pertains to soul purpose, life cycles, guides, and karma.
Energy received from here will contain messages from our guides, loved ones, and Higher Self. 

6th Chakra (Third Eye):    (Clairvoyance and Clairaudience)
Contains mental energy, thoughts, and beliefs. 
Energy is transformed into vision and thought through this chakra. 

5th Chakra (Throat):         (Sensory Perception)
Pertains to the energy of the spoken word. 
Psychic energy may be felt here as the senses of taste, touch and smell & more.

4th Chakra (Heart):     (Energy Transformation/Healing)
This is the link between body, mind, and soul.
Our hearts must be open to balance and/or  transform energy from the lower chakras into higher states of perceptual energy. 
3rdChakra (Solar Plexus):   (Clairsentience)
Pertains to our personal power, vitality, willpower, self-esteem & confidence
Emotions and feelings are recorded here.
Gut feelings…knowingness can be felt from this area.
2ndChakra (Sacral):  (Expression of Desires/Passion)
Receives energy in a physical way;  through our physical world of finances, relationships, and career issues.  
Fear, dread, etc. may be felt from this chakra.

1stChakra (Root):  (Psychometry)
Grounds us to the physical world. 
We communicate with animals, plants, and the natural world through this chakra.

                             Jacqueline Self

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