Are you finding it less than easy to stay
cool, calm, and collected these days?
You are definitely not alone!
It feels as though we are all on the threshold of something Expansive, something Different, and something New. At times we perceive it to be quite overwhelming… this is when we are being called to Stand Firm, Centered, and Poised. What does that look and feel like?
Standing firm, centered, and poised issimply standing up for what we believe and know to be true for ourselves and acting upon it from a Center of Love and Compassion… no matter what another may think, say, or do.
When we become aware of our actions and reactions in relationships and situations that we are experiencing, we can respond with an openness and an offering of Love; knowing that what we receive in return is areflection of our own ability to give and receiveLove. Having this Awareness allows us to cultivate an even sharing of energy and maintain a balanced and stable foundation of Expression to become an Active Observer.
Active Observers canmanifest their dreams and desires with little effort… due to Self-Trust and their deep connection to Mother Earth. They see their reality as Beautiful, Pure, Healthy, and a Fun place to BE. They feelNourished, Happy, Whole, and Complete.
Your Center of Stability
A balanced and stable foundation stems from the ability to physically and energetically connect yourself to Mother Earth and Creator/God/Source/Energy. Centering yourself balances your energy as it flows in, through, and out of your body resulting in a Poised state. BEing in this state can attract what is needed to manifest the reality you desire.
A feeling/thought of fear can block your energy flow and disrupt your connection to the Earth. Repeated experiences of fear may result in trauma and create blockages within your energy field. This can cause the body to default into a fight or flight mode and create anxiety and stress. In this scenario, the brain may eventually lose its ability to function as a muscle, resulting in a lack of will power.
It is truly important that you are aligned with intentions, thoughts, feelings, and actions that nourish and nurture your four bodies and their ability to provide your experience of LIFE.
• Physical: Ability to connect to the elemental realm• Emotional: Ability to remain neutral (not in flight or fight mode)• Mental: Ability to reason; discernment• Spiritual: Ability to communicate on a higher level with your Soul/Spirit
Integrating and maintaining a balance of energy between all of your bodies will create a stable and balanced sense of self. From this Center of Stability you will move through a threshold towards potentials that are more Expansive, Different, or New with Ease, Grace, and Joy.
In an upcoming ONE-TLC Experience (DS-100-E) DimensionalUnderstanding, I share details pertaining to nine dimensions and their attributes. Humanity as a whole is moving into a fourth dimension of understanding. To release any fear related to this change, it is helpful to be able to feel and see these dimensions within one’s self. The following is an excerpt from the that article:
Fourth Dimension“The fourth dimension is the awareness of width, length, height, and time. It can be known as the astral plane. The primary consciousness of this dimension is in the astral body, which is also known as the ‘Higher Human/Self’. The astral body is of an elevated vibration and is in etheric form. The fourth dimension is the realm of the unconscious mind.This dimension is connected to and supports the emotional body and planes. Through accessing states of Love, Peace, Happiness, and Freedom we can activate the Divine Flow within our being that will allow us to exist in synchronization with the constant flow of Creator/God/Source/Energy.At this level, there is a beginning awareness of the Universal Law of One – ‘Whatever affects one of us affects all of us.’ This is the realization and practice that no one is greater than any other and group consciousness is the path to the future.Tune into this dimension within your solar plexus area in conscious awareness. Ask that your wishes and desires be experienced in the highest good for all. In this way… you acknowledge the Now moment and allow yourself to BE in a state of emotional balance.”
Listed below is a technique that will help you become centered. This is also a great practice to heighten Awareness, increase Intuition, and improve Perceptual Skills.
Find a quiet comfortable space to rest; sitting or lying down… Breathe in a few times… feel the air flow from your head… down your shoulders… through the center of your body… your sacral and pelvic area… tailbone… into your legs and feet… then into the ground. Gently and slowly breathe in and out from your navel a few times. Gently and slowly breathe in and out from your chest area a few times. Now… breathe in and out from both navel and chest at the same time. Focus in your heart space… allow feelings to arise… then flow through… until you have only the feeling of Love/Compassion. (If this is challenging to you… visualize someone that you Love dearly as you focus in your heart)
May we all find our sense of stability in preparation for Divine Union and Co-creation, as we venture into the Expansive, Different, and New that awaits!
Jacqueline Self is an integrated Starseed with Transformational abilities who embraces the Essence of Heartfelt Love & Appreciation for Nature,
Mother Earth, and Soul/Star Families.
Jackie is co-founder of ONE-TLC with partner David/LE
Oneness Now Energy ~ Tranformational Light Center
Discovering and Embracing Your Divine Purpose
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