Sunday, December 1, 2024
Emanating from Your Center of Stability
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Visualization to Open and Charge Your Chakras
Sit comfortably… adjust your posture… and relax your shoulders.
Close your eyes…. breathe in…. and out with a big
Now take 3 deep breaths.
Bring your awareness to your first chakra. It is positioned directly under you with the larger end of the spinning cone open to the earth and the tip pointing into the bottom of your spine.
Visualize it as a vortex of red light spinning clockwise. Clockwise is defined by looking at the chakra from the outside of your body.
Watch it spinning as you … breathe in red… and breathe out red… visualize the breath as red on the in-breath. Do not visualize on the out-breath… just watch what color it is.
Repeat this process until you can clearly see red; both on the in-breath and on the out-breath. If the color red is either lighter or muddy on the out-breath, it means you need to balance your red energies. If it is light, you need more red in your field. If it is muddy, you need to clean your lower chakra. Do this by repeating the exercise until the ingoing and outgoing colors are the same. This is true for all the chakras.
Maintaining your picture of the first chakra, move to the second chakra located about two inches above your pubic bone.
Friday, September 27, 2024
Receiving Energy and Information Through our Chakra System
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Exercises for Breathing Consciously
As I become
more aware of my own Awakening and Transformational process I am realizing the
greater importance of breath. It is non-detectable by sight, sound, or feeling
on its own.... yet it is the very essence of Life as it regulates our
heartbeat. I have found that conscious deep breathing is a natural way to
increase my energy level and receive a greater sense of enjoyment in life.
Deep breathing exercises accelerate the intake of oxygen. Oxygen is one of the most important chemicals in the body that acts as a stimulant, and its function is that of purification.
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
C.A.R.E.S. Genesis Project
C.A.R.E.S. (Genesis Project*)
Compassionate Awareness Regenerative Energetic Synergy
Embodied Enlightement ~ Living Love Light
*Opportunities for Self-Discovery and Self-Mastery culminating in
Cosmic Citizenship and/or Ambassadorship.
CARES is a component of the ONE-TLC Genesis Project that offers individuals an opportunity to acknowledge and understand their life experiences from a physical and emotional level that allows healing to interpenetrate all four bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual).
This component assists in the discovery and release of energetic clutter in everyday lives. Negative belief systems and attitudes along with habitual and addictive behaviors can create disruptions in the flow of positive energy. These disruptions can create unhealthy thoughts and emotions that restrict or blind one to their own true path in life.
Through CARES you will be working with AA Raphael and the Angelic Realm to assist you in re-gaining personal Trust in yourself as well as implement Divine qualitites of Clarity, Joy, and Passion (and more) into your lives.... therefore fulfilling your Divine Purpose more readily.
The following question was asked of AA Raphael and channeled through David/LE:
Who is a candidate for this program?
“Those that are part of the experiment (hybrid) that are still blossoming. In order to move into a New Earth you must have had a transformational experience. The New Earth is for Ascended Masters.”